
The following modules exist to assess your learning capabilities in a short amount of time. You will have 2 weeks to complete these modules in order to be given a slot in the class.

These are your deliverables for this work:

  • Two Module Assessments
  • Each module has an Assessment at the end.
  • These are larger projects and will be a good representation of how much you have learned from these modules
  • You must pass BOTH module assessments.
  • Lesson Assessments
  • Any time you come across a page titled Assessment these will be required activities to be eligible for completion of this course
  • These are smaller activities or drills that will serve as a quick assessment of your skills and understanding of the lessons
  • You must pass at least TWO lesson assessments in addition to both module assessments in order to pass.

Through out the lessons you will come across pages with Activity in the title. These are not required for completion however, we highly suggest you attempt them as practicing what you've learned is the best way to achieve mastery.


  • To submit your finished prework you will copy the link to your prework GitHub repository (you will be creating this in the work) and submit it in an email to [email protected].
  • The subject of your email should be <FullName> PreWork