Intro to HTML

HTML Facts

  • HTML is used to make every website.
  • HTML is the language that determines what appears on web pages.
  • HTML is made up of opening and closing tags.
  • HTML is the skeleton of the web page, we use elements to dictate where everything needs to be.

Anatomy of HTML Elements

<p> Some text here. </p>
  • The code above is an example of an HTML element.
  • <p> is the opening tag
  • Some text here is the content
  • </p> is the closing tag
<img src="sample.png" />
  • A few tags are self-closing.
  • HTML elements can have attributes.
  • Attributes provide additional info about an element.
  • They come in name/value pairs: name = “value”.
  • /> is the self closing tag

Other HTML Elements

We’ve seen demonstrations of the <p> and <img> elements, but what other elements do we have at our disposal?

  • <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, <h4>, <h5>, <h6> are used to display headings
  • <ul> is an unordered list
  • Such as bullet points
  • <ol> is an ordered list
  • Such as numbered lists
  • <li> is used to display list items
  • <div> is used to create divisions in the page
  • <a> is used as a link


Copy and paste the following code into your editor (or JSBin) and display it in your browser.

    <h1>This an h1</h1>
    <h2>This is an h2</h2>
    <h3>This is an h3</h3>
    <h4>This is an h4</h4>
    <h5>This is an h5</h5>
    <h6>This is an h6</h6>

    <p>Meanwhile, this is a p element</p>

      <li>This is what an</li>
      <li>item in an unordered list</li>
      <li>will look like!</li>
    <p>This is part of a separate div!</p>
      <li>Alternatively, this is what</li>
      <li>an ordered list<li>
      <li>will look like</li>
      <li>We can even link to <a href="">Google!</a></li>

It should look like this in your browser: