Bootstrap Assessment

Complete this assement before moving on to the Module 1 Assessment. This will be a good way to test your understanding of the knowledge you just gained.


  • Create a new folder in your prework repo titled Bootstrap_Assessment
  • Copy the files from your first HTML and CSS Assessment into the new folder
  • Using Bootstrap grids and components rebuild this page into a Bootstrap page.
  • By creating this page in Bootstrap there should be very little CSS apart from colors and fonts.
  • HINT: You should use at least a jumbotron and navbar component from Bootstrap
  • Feel free to make the website your own by using:
  • Bootstrap Cards/Other components
  • Custom Fonts
  • New Colors
  • Etc.
  • As always when using Bootstrap to create a website, make sure you focus on responsiveness when creating the page.

Example Website

  • Push the completed files to the repository in GitHub