Arrays - Activity


Make sure you attempt the activity on your own before checking out the solution.


  1. Create an empty student array.
  2. Prompt the user to input five separate names.
  3. Push each name onto the array.
  4. Alert the second name in the array.


Don't forget to flowchart FIRST!

Adding onto the code above:

  1. Prompt the user for an index.
  2. Alert the student name at the index provided.

Ultra Challenge:

Don't forget to flowchart FIRST!

Google to find a way to implement the following:

  1. Create an array with five students.
  2. Take in a student name as input from the user.
  3. Alert true if that student is in the array.
  4. Alert false if that student is not in the array.
Solution We will capture the 5 user inputs into 5 different variables.
const name1 = prompt('enter a student name');
const name2 = prompt('enter a student name');
const name3 = prompt('enter a student name');
const name4 = prompt('enter a student name');
const name5 = prompt('enter a student name');
Next, we initialize an empty array for use later as well as use the `.push()` method to add our user input variables into that array.
const studentList = [];

Finally, we'll store the second element in the array into a new variable and alert that variable to the user. When referring to elements in an array, we use indices and that indices start at `0`. Therefore, the second element in the array is at the `1` index.
const student = studentList[1];

The full solution should look like this:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <title>Arrays, Prompts, and Alerts</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
        const name1 = prompt('enter a student name');
        const name2 = prompt('enter a student name');
        const name3 = prompt('enter a student name');
        const name4 = prompt('enter a student name');
        const name5 = prompt('enter a student name');

        const studentList = [];


        const student = studentList[1];


            // Challenge -- Uncomment this section to showcase the Challenge!

        // const newIndex = prompt("Please enter an index #:");
        // alert(nameList[newIndex]);

            // Ultra Challenge -- Uncomment this section to showcase the Challenge!

        // const challengeArray = ["George", "CJ", "Timothy", "Lisa", "Daniel"];
        // const challengeName = prompt("Please enter a name to check:");
        // alert(challengeArray.includes(challengeName));
