
Loops are a great way to keep you from having to write repetitive code because loops handle the repetition. Basically, loops offer a quick and easy way to do something repeatedly.

We'll look at two different loops, or iterators, called for loops and while loops.

While Loops

Take a look at the following while loop:

let counter = 0;

while (counter < 5){
  • First, we set a variable, counter, equal to 0.
  • Next, using the keyword, while, we pass in counter and give it a condition.
  • In this case, we are saying that while counter is less than 5, run this block of code.
  • Within this block of code, we start with our console.log() which only serves to print out counter so we can see the incrementation as it happens.
  • Next we increment counter by 1 every time the block of code runs.
  • counter++ is shorthand for counter = counter + 1.
  • This will be our control for how many times the block of code runs because when this counter eventually hits 5, it will stop running.

For Loops

Take a look at the following for loop:

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++){
  • let i = 0; is our initial expression.
  • We create a variable called i and store the number 0.
  • The second expression is our condition.
  • While i is less than 5, we'll loop through our block of code.
  • Finally, we have i++which is simply our increment expression.
  • Within our block of code, we have our console.log(i);
  • That will continuously run while our condition is true.


For Loops and While loops are fairly similar, with a for loop being shorter and easier to write and we are less likely to forget to add the incrementer. We tend to favor for loops.

The difference is that:

For loops are often used when the number of iterations is numerable (When the number of iterations might be known or set).

for( int i = 0; i > 10; i++)
    //Some code here

Whereas while loops are often used when the number of iterations are indefinite.

while(!done) //while something is NOT done run the following code
    //Some code goes here