Conditional Warmup - Activity

Conditional Warmup

Make sure you attempt the activity on your own before checking out the solution.


We're building an application to allow a student to track their classes each semester. Students need to be able to update their list of classes in case they change one midway through the semester.

Using the given classList array:

  1. Prompt the user for the name of a class they would like to update.
  2. Prompt the user for a new class name.
  3. Replace the old class name with the new one.
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        const classList = ['Math', 'Science', 'English', 'Music', 'Intro to Programming', 'Basketweaving'];

        // Remember to open up chrome dev tools to see your class list!

        // Add your code below. Don't forget to console log classList again to see if the changes have taken place!



Do the above without writing a for loop.

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    <title>Conditionals Activity</title>
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        const classList = ['Math', 'Science', 'English', 'Music', 'Intro to Programming', 'Basketweaving'];

        // Remember to open up chrome dev tools to see your class list!

        const replaceClass = prompt('Please select which class you would like to replace (case sensitive!):'); 
        const newClass = prompt('Please enter the name of a new class:');

        for ( let i = 0; i < classList.length; i++ ) {
            if (classList[i] === replaceClass) {
                classList[i] = newClass;

        // Challenge
        if (classList.includes(replaceClass)) {
            const newIndex = classList.indexOf(replaceClass);
            classList[newIndex] = newClass;

        console.log(`This is your new class list: ${classList}`);