First Function

A function is a block of code designed to perform a specific task. Functions allow us to do the same action over and over, and even across projects (like prompt and console.log), without rewriting all of the code.

First we must define a function. We define a function by first creating a variable using const. We then give our const a name and assign its value to a function. The name can be anything you want but should be descriptive.

Open the Chrome console or jsbin and enter the following:

const multiply = function () {
  console.log('Our First Function!');

  • We assign our new variable the value of a function using the keyword function followed by a set of parentheses () and curly braces {}.
  • The code that we want to execute when the function is called goes inside the curly braces.
  • Finally, we are able to call the function by referring to the name of the function, followed by parenthesis.
  • Then, alter the multiply function by adding in a parameter and console logging that parameter.
const multiply = function (num1) {

  • num1 is a parameter,
  • An empty box waiting to catch the data passed in to the function.
  • The 3 within the parenthesis of the function call is an argument,
  • Data that we want to pass to the function.
  • The values passed in during the function call are assigned to the parameter variables created in the function definition.

Behind the scenes, when we call multiply(3), the JavaScript engine is creating a variable called num1 and assigning it the value we pass in.